
Daily Reads

Facebook Acquires FriendFeed

“Facebook today announced that it has agreed to acquire FriendFeed, the innovative service for sharing online.” A very well, calculated move on Facebook’s part to acquire the one company that seemed to be innovating the social arena, not to mention they just cut off many Twitter users, who have loved using Friendfeed as a method of tweeting.

King Of The Apple Geeks

“John Gruber’s Daring Fireball is the homepage for Mac nerds. Even top Apple brass tune in regularly.” His blogging concept of posting short links and commentary is the same way I have come to publish on this blog. I have found that it has been able to keep me blogging on a daily basis, and though John Gruber blogs on Apple products for the most part, I have decided to blog on anything thats seems interesting. Nonetheless, I thought I would point out Jon Gruber’s idea is what has made this blog the way it is now. And $125,000 a year? I wouldn’t mind that at all. :p

Microsoft’s SharePoint Thrives in the Recession

“Along these lines, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft’s chief executive, has talked about SharePoint as the company’s next big operating system.” I’ve read and heard Microsoft’s conference calls, and I’m not at all surprised by Sharepoint’s success. Quarter over Quarter, Year over Year, Microsoft’s Server and Tools division has posted solid results, which in my mind has translated to Microsoft’s continued success in the enterprise area, where the big bucks are.

Facts about Healthcare Reform, straight from the White House

No quotes on this article. Health Care reform is the most important domestic issue in my mind, and the minds of others, so its important that we spread the right message across, rather than listen to the hours and hours of bull shit Karl Rove can take on our faces. If not Karl Rove or Sarah Palin, there’s plenty of Republican AND Democrat politicians who can do the same. So what better way to clear the mess created by both sides then to link you to the OFFICIAL White House Health Care Page, so you can get your facts straight. And then of course there’s some of you who can’t trust the Government and OFFICIAL sites. No Problem. Yahoo
has plenty of sites you can read and see who’s shitting out of their pants and who’s telling the truth. Anyhow, done with my venting. Get your facts straight, while I do the same.

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